Valentine’s Day Update!

Hey all!

I haven’t done the blog thing in awhile so we’re due for one!! I truly appreciate all my supporters and with today being Valentine’s Day it seems fitting to show you guys some love back!  

Recently I was lucky enough to do an online critique for a dancer out in California. This girl soaked it all in, and a few minor changes and her solo was taken to the next level! The willingness to soak everything in by her, her mom, and her studio owner was amazing! 

The biggest things us judges see on stage are not pointing your feet, not turning out from the hips, and our turn prep. 

It’s said numerous times from dance judges and teachers! Your prep for your turn should indicate whether or not your turn is using a turn out. Jazz pirouettes, that are parallel, should be prepped without a turnout. Ballet pirouettes should always be prepped with a turn out. 

Dance is one of the hardest activities on the body, and without proper turnout, your knees could take a hit The last thing any dancer wants is to hurt their knees and be stuck out of dance while healing. 

Stay tuned for our next podcast following Alaynah’s journey to her life goals, and some more of our guests coming soon!


Miss Cari Lynn